• Guiding Questions

    Comment on Draft Revised WSCUC Standards of Accreditation

While the Commission welcomes comment on all aspects of the Standards, it particularly seeks reactions and recommendations on a series of questions that arose during development of this proposal:


Are the topics of diversity, equity and inclusion reflected in the Standards fully and effectively?


Are the expectations to systematically use evidence of outcomes clear and comprehensive enough without being unduly specific?


Are themes of appropriate and adequate services and support for all students broad and effective?


Are the following topics addressed effectively and thoroughly?
– Governance
– Assessment
– Outcomes
– Planning
– Resources allocation/financial sustainability


Standard 1 refers to institutions’ responsibility to serve society and the public good. Should the Standards more specifically address promotion of civic learning and engagement (in Standard 1 or elsewhere)?


The CFR 2.14 in the current Standards about treating transfer students equitably has been eliminated in the draft revision. As attention shifts to credit recognition policy and practice, is or how should this topic be included in the CFRs (e.g., draft CFR 2.12)?


Do the Standards and CFRs allow for flexibility so institutions can determine how to achieve them?


Was the balance achieved between creating needed revision and preserving valued expression?