• Policy Changes / Policies Seeking Public Comments

    November 19, 2019 - WSCUC

Policy Changes: Seeking Public Comments

Institutional Litigation Policy

A revised version of Matters under Litigation Policy has been approved by the Commission for circulation to the region for comment and will be considered by the Commission at its February 2020 meeting.  This policy requires institutions to notify WSCUC of litigation that could affect the ability of an institution to meet Commission Standards and policies.  The policy has been revised to eliminate guidelines, since those seem best handled as part of evaluator team training, to clarify wording, and to change the title from “Matters under Litigation Policy” to “Institutional Litigation Policy.”

Please email your comments by January 17, 2020 to policies@wscuc.org

Legal Costs and Obligations Policy

A revised version of Legal Costs and Obligations Policy has been approved by the Commission for circulation to the region for comment and will be considered by the Commission at its February 2020 meeting.  This policy describes how financial costs from third-party information requests, legal proceedings, and legal and financial reviews of institutions can be managed. The policy has been revised to clarify the language to make it more user-friendly and to reorder the content to make it easier to read. 

Please email your comments by January 17, 2020 to policies@wscuc.org

Policy Changes

International Student Policy

Following circulation to the region for comment, a revised version of the International Student Policy has been approved by the Commission.  The policy has been revised to make it easier to read by adding subheadings and to emphasize student success.   

Instruction in Languages other than English Policy

This policy was written in 2002 and is out-of-date with current WSCUC practices and protocols.  Because the policy is not necessary for proposed new degree programs or for international institutions seeking Initial Accreditation, the Commission approved retiring this policy and removing it from the WSCUC website. 

Staff Contact: Barbara Gross Davis