• Launch of Graduate Only KID and Peer Benchmarking on WSCUC Website

    March 8, 2022 - WSCUC

WSCUC has updated Key Indicators Dashboard (KID) to include graduate only institutions that report to IPEDS. The Graduate Only KID is accessed via the WSCUC website on the main KID homepage. KID for graduate only institutions includes data on institution size and context, student completion, institution finances, post graduate outcomes, and a data dictionary and notes section that provides data definitions and training materials and guides. WSCUC accredited institutions that report to IPEDS and have both graduate and undergraduate programs will find their institutional data on the main KID website (not in the graduate only area).

WSCUC recently updated KID to include institutional peers and benchmarks. WSCUC uses peer benchmarking to understand performance in context and to promote conversations about improvement. Peer benchmarking is only included for undergraduate institutions at this time.


March 2022 Newsletter