Karen Graham


Karen Graham joined the WSCUC staff with 44 years’ experience as a High School Teacher, Community College Instructor, University Professor, Department Chair, Dean, and retired as Vice Chancellor of Faculty Affairs and ALO at Chapman University. She obtained her MA in Analytic Philosophy and her PhD in Policy, Curriculum, and Instruction at The Ohio State University and has published and presented nationally and internationally on the evaluation of instruction, the mission of higher education, assessment strategies, faculty engagement in assessment, and professional development initiatives in higher education. She has been a member of the WSCUC Substantive Change Committee and has participated on dozens of accreditation teams for NCATE, MACTE (Michigan), OACTE (Ohio), North Central, and WSCUC. Her administrative positions have included traditional campuses, international campuses, distance education initiatives, competency-based education, and distributed campuses across multiple states. A staunch advocate for higher education’s rigorous self-governance rather than external governance, she is now a part-time WSCUC Associate supporting the work of Substantive Change Review panels.