• Resource Library

The Resource Library contains all the core information we consider important to understanding of the various pieces of the accreditation experience. Here you will find guides to help you navigate the accreditation experience, relevant policies, reports used for data gathering, templates and samples of related documents, and more.

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Academic and Administrator Commissioner and Evaluator Policy

This policy covers the balance of Commissioners and of evaluators for institutional reviews.


Academic and Administrator Commissioner Definition Policy

This policy covers how Commissioners are identified if they have institutional “academic” or “administrator” roles.


Accreditation Liaison Officer Policy

This policy describes the roles and responsibilities associated with the Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO). The ALO serves as the primary contact between WSCUC and the institution, ensures a strong relationship between the Commission and institution, and supports the institution in its accreditation activities.


Accreditation Records Retention Policy

The purpose of this records treatment, retention and disposal policy is to ensure that necessary accreditation records are adequately protected and maintained by WSCUC in accordance with 34 CFR 602.15(b) of the Higher Education Act (HEA).


Accreditation Reviews for Institutions within a System Policy

When several operationally separate units are governed by a single board with a central system administration, the purposes of accreditation will more nearly be served by close coordination between the institution, the system’s central administration, and the Commission during the period of self-analysis, the on-campus visit, and the Commission hearing. These guidelines are designed to assist all concerned in arriving at a clearer understanding of institutional purposes and accomplishments, while preserving integrity and autonomy for the institutions within a system.


Agreements with Unaccredited Entities Policy

When an accredited institution enters into an agreement with an unaccredited entity with the intent that the latter will provide services to the accredited institution, the accredited institution must ensure that the services provided by the unaccredited entity comply with the Commission’s Standards and policies.


Antitrust Policy

This Antitrust Policy is intended to (a) identify activities that Commissioners and staff must never engage in; (b) require Commissioners and staff to seek legal advice if they believe a situation raises potential antitrust issues; and (c) require Commissioners and staff to promptly report a suspected violation of this Antitrust Policy.


Commission Bylaws

The formal bylaws adopted by the Commission describe its governance structure.


Complaints and Third-Party Comments Policy

WSCUC has two established means for receiving comments from concerned stakeholders about its member institutions: complaints and third-party comments. This document describes the WSCUC policy related to complaints and third-party comments as it pertains to member institutions and other parties in the process.

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