Call for Student Poster Proposals Now Closed

WSCUC believes student perspectives are critical in conversations about the vision, tools, and shared commitment to student success.  We invited full-time students who are not full-time employees at any higher education institution to submit a poster proposal by January 31, 2025. Accepted proposals are eligible for the Student Poster Presenter Registration Rate of $50.

WSCUC invites insightful and forward-looking poster proposals that build on ARC2025’s conference theme, Vision & Fundamentals. The conference’s community-generated program will showcase emerging trends, highlight best practices, and celebrate success stories through the following conference tracks:

Success for All Students

How can institutions use evidence to drive equitable student success? How can institutions create learning environments that promote success for every student, and what do we need to understand about the issues, challenges, and opportunities?

Postgraduate Outcomes that Matter

How can institutions demonstrate the tangible and intangible outcomes that matter most to our students and society? How do institutional mission and context shape outcomes and the case for higher education?

Accreditation in Action

What drives mission-aligned continuous improvement at your institution? Share a success or an actionable practice to motivate effective action.

Higher Education in the Age of AI

How are teaching, learning, and assessment being affected by rapidly evolving AI tools? What do institutions need to understand about AI’s challenges and opportunities? How can institutions implement equitable and productive AI policies and practices?

Value and Practice of Innovation

How do opportunity, leadership, and constraints drive innovation in institutions? How do institutional history, culture, and context affect the appetite and approach to innovation? Whether blue sky thinking or implementing “new to you” practices, what did it take to make a change?


We are open to sessions that take an entirely new approach or highlight another topic of relevance in higher education or accreditation today.

Key Dates

  • January 31, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. PT ­– Poster proposal submission deadline
  • Poster proposal status notifications emailed on a rolling basis
  • March 15, 2025 – Last day to submit electronic materials for presentation at ARC2025
  • April 2-4, 2025 – ARC2025: Vision & Fundamentals


Who should submit a proposal for ARC2025?

ARC2025 welcomes proposals from higher education leaders eager to share valuable insights, experiences, research, and advice. Proposals involving students are highly encouraged, with discounted registration fees available for student presenters. Students who volunteer at least six hours during the conference may have their registration fee waived (limited slots available). Please contact for additional information.

Note: Proposals from vendors or individuals promoting products or services will not be reviewed through the standard process. Click here for sponsor opportunities.

How will the conference committee evaluate proposals?

WSCUC’s conference advisory committee will evaluate proposals based on:

  • Overall quality, focusing on clarity and tangible outcomes
  • Relevance and applicability to other institutions and situations
  • Alignment with selected topic
  • Appeal to conference attendees

Proposals that emphasize data analysis, evidenced-based action, and storytelling are preferred. Priority is given to proposals from accredited institutions in good standing, as well as proposals that feature diverse perspectives, including students, representatives from various institutions, and members of the public.

When will I know if my proposal is selected?

WSCUC will notify prospective presenters between late December 2024 and January 2025.

What are the presenter’s responsibilities?

Presenters and co-presenters must register for the conference, pay the full registration fee, and arrange their own travel and lodging. All presenters and co-presenters must be present in person to deliver their session.

Electronic materials should be submitted by March 15, 2025, for attendees to review in advance. WSCUC does not cover the cost of materials used during the session. Each meeting room will be equipped with a projector, screen, and internet access; presenters should bring their own laptops. Additional logistical details will be provided to presenters as the conference date approaches.

Are there virtual options to attend ARC2025?

ARC2025 will not be live streamed or offered in a hybrid format due to cost considerations. We are unable to provide arrangements to present remotely. Thank you for understanding.

If I submitted a proposal for ARC2024, can I submit a proposal for ARC2025?

Definitely! We look forward to reviewing your new proposal.

Are there other ways to contribute to ARC2025?

Yes! Whether or not you’re submitting a proposal, there are various ways to contribute:

  • Serve as a session moderator: Moderators introduce speakers, provide brief framing remarks, enforce time limits, and lead the Q&A.
  • Engage on social media: Share tips, insights and initiate discussions.
  • Propose your own idea: We value creativity and welcome unique ways to contribute.

Please indicate ways you you’d like to contribute in the proposal form.



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