Substantive Change Review Committee Responsibilities
WSCUC builds on the federal mandate for review of substantive change through peer review. Routine changes within the institution’s current scope of accreditation, such as a request to offer an academic program in a discipline closely related to the institution’s existing offerings, or a new program that does not require substantial new courses to implement may be reviewed by staff.
Peer reviewers who serve on the Substantive Change Committee (SCC) review significant changes at our accredited institutions. The Committee is comprised of peer reviewers with collective expertise in assessment, finance, graduate, undergraduate and general education, international programs, distance education, doctoral programs as well as a variety of discipline areas.
Schedule: The Substantive Change Committee meets in panels, on or after the third Thursday of each month, via conference to review the substantive change proposals of WSCUC institutions. The Committee also meets annually to orient new members and discuss trends and policy matters relating to substantive change.
The Substantive Change Review Committee is a peer review committee.
Resources for Members of the Substantive Change Review Committee
Committee Charges: Outlines the roles and responsibilities of the three non-Commission WSCUC committees, including Interim Report Committee, Eligibility Review Committee, and Substantive Change Committee.
Conflict of Interest Policy: Outlines WSCUC’s conflict of interest policy for committee members.
Standards of Ethical Conduct and Declaration of Conflicts of Interest Form: Agreement form to be completed by all ERC members regarding WSCUC’s standards of ethical conduct and conflict of interest policy.