During the month of July 2019, the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) took action on the following institutions. Copies of Commission action letters and visiting team reports are available on the WSCUC website at www.wscuc.org, with the exception of Substantive Change reports and Interim Reports, which are not made public.
Structural Changes
Chaminade University of Honolulu
Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology
First Degree at a New Level -Professional Doctorate
Substantive Changes
Hawaii Pacific University
Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology
New Degree program
University of the Pacific
Master of Arts in Education
Distance Education program
Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science
BS in Psychology (Emphasis on Community Counseling)
New Degree program
University of California, Davis
Master of Business Administration
Distance Education program
San Jose State University
Doctor of Audiology (AuD)
New Degree program
Academy for Jewish Religion California
Master of Jewish Sacred Music
Distance Education program
Gateway Seminary of the Southern Baptist Convention
Doctor of Ministry
Distance Education program
Weimar Institute
New Degree program
Simpson University
Associate of Arts General Studies
Distance Education Program
Claremont Lincoln University
MA Human Resource Management
New Degree program
Interim Reports
Biola University
Receive the Report; and schedule a progress report