The Resource Library contains all the core information we consider important to understanding of the various pieces of the accreditation experience. Here you will find guides to help you navigate the accreditation experience, relevant policies, reports used for data gathering, templates and samples of related documents, and more.
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Becoming Accredited
Application for Accreditation Form
To become accredited by WSCUC, Institutions must submit the application for accreditation form along with the candidacy/initial accreditation fee.
Eligibility Criteria to the Standards Comparison Guide
The Eligibility Criteria to the Standards Comparison guide speaks to the alignment between the Eligibility Criteria and the Criteria for Review described in the 2013 Standards of Accreditation established by WSCUC. It shows that the Criteria anticipate the Standards; it does not suggest that meeting the Criteria (result of a paper review) constitutes assurance that the institution will meet the Standards (result of a self-study and on-site review).
Eligibility Review Committee
Federal Compliance Forms
There are four forms that WSCUC uses to address institutional compliance with some of the federal regulation’s affecting institutions and accrediting agencies. During the visit, teams complete these four forms and add them as an appendix to the Team Report.
How to Become Accredited Manual
The How to Become Accredited Manual describes the level of readiness expected of the institution at each step as it moves through Eligibility.
Notification of Intent to Apply for Accreditation Form
The Notification of Intent to Apply for Accreditation Form formally expresses an institution’s intention to pursue accreditation with the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC). Taking this action, together with any related expenditures, is endorsed by formal action of the institution’s governing board.
Peer Review Committee Charges
This document describes the roles and responsibilities of the three WSCUC peer review committees: the Substantive Change Committee, the Eligibility Review Committee, and the Interim Report Committee