UCLA has adopted a campus-wide strategy for assessing the WSCUC Core Competency learning outcomes attainment of their undergraduates. Recently, the campus redefined learning objectives for the Foundations of Scientific Inquiry General Education requirement. The new objectives have adopted a focus that privileges — among several outcomes — critical thinking skills. A collaboration between the Division of Undergraduate Education and the Center for Education Innovation and Learning in the Sciences (CEILS) led to a multimethod study that brings the coded responses from the Core Competency study into statistical modeling exercises that include student information system data, such as student characteristics, academic performance descriptors, and course-taking patterns. Join us for a dive into this approach. Featuring Kelly Wahl, Director of Student Achievement and Special Projects at UCLA, Erin Sanders O’Leary, Director of the Center for Education Innovation and Learning in the Sciences (CEILS) at UCLA, and Jess Gregg, CEILS Associate Director for Educational Development at UCLA.