May 19, 2017
8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Hawai’i Pacific University, Aloha Tower Marketplace
Honolulu, HI
Click here for a draft of the program schedule.
Workshop Description:
This newly revamped and revised MQID workshop provides a hands-on, practical approach designed to allow participants to consider and explore a variety of models, resources, and tools that institutions can use to identify and communicate the meaning, quality, and integrity of degrees. Presenters will share their institutional frameworks and strategies, and will assist participants in creating actionable plans for their own institutions. As a result of attending this workshop, participants will:
- Determine the purpose, focus, and expected components of the WSCUC-required component “Meaning, Quality, and Integrity of Degrees.”
- Begin to develop an institutional perspective on the meaning, quality, and integrity of degrees that reflects your institution’s mission and extends across the breadth of undergraduate and/or graduate programs offered.
- Explore numerous resources, tools, and approaches for successfully articulating the meaning, quality, and integrity of degrees, including assessment resources to support improvements.
- Begin to create an institutional action plan for identifying and communicating what degrees from your institutions demand and what they offer students.
- Develop a community of colleagues with whom to share ideas, resources, and good practices.
Intended audience:
This workshop is designed for individuals or institutional teams, including CAOs, ALOs, deans, faculty, accreditation steering committee members, and assessment specialists. The workshop is intended for four-year and two-year institutions accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission.
Laura Massa, Director of Assessment, Loyola Marymount University
Deborah Panter, Director, Office for Educational & Institutional Effectiveness (and ALO), John. F. Kennedy University
Kathleen Roe, Professor of Public Health and former Chair of the Health Science and Recreation Department, San José State University
Click here for facilitator bios
Hotel Reservations:
We encourage participants to make their hotel reservations as soon as possible. Hawai’i Pacific University is offering WSCUC workshop participants the opportunity to stay on campus at the HPU Aloha Tower Waterfront Lofts. All rooms have kitchenettes and AC. Singles are $100/night; shared accommodations are $75/night. For more information about this modern living community, click HERE. WSCUC has not contracted nor secured a group rate with any particular hotel. There are many websites online that help with finding reasonably priced hotels.
Registration: Registration fee includes lunch. Beverages and snacks will be available during breaks. Attendees will be on their own for all other meals.
Registration fee: $290/per team member. After the registration deadline, if space is available, the late registration fee will be $350 /per team member.
Discount for Combined Registration: Analytics for Academics workshop will be offered on May 22, 2017 at HPU. The special rate for a combined registration for MQID and Analytics for Academics is $500 until 5/4/2017. After the registration deadline, if space is available, the late registration fee will be $560 /per team member.
Registration deadline: May 4, 2017
This educational program has been developed by national and regional experts and is offered as a service to WSCUC member institutions and others who wish to learn about good practices applicable to all institutions. It is entirely optional, and our hope is that member institutions will find it helpful. WSCUC staff will be present to answer questions related specifically to accreditation expectations.
Event Details
Date: May 19, 2017 - 8:30am to May 19, 2017 - 4:30pm
Fee: Free