The WASC Senior College and University Commission, in cooperation with the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, has developed a set of comparative modeling tools to allow institutions to look at graduation rates which, unlike IPEDS 4 and 6-year first-time, full-time graduation rates includes the transfer activity common for today’s students. By including as a ‘success’ students who transfer but eventually graduate from another institution, rather than showing the transfering student as a graduation ‘failure’ the methodology helps institutions correctly account for this common occurance.
These models, based on the 2013, 2014 and 2015 National Completion Reports (NCR) are made available so that institutions can better understand the performance of comparative groups both within the WSCUC region and nationally. Additional work is currently underway to allow institutions to identify their individual performance using this methodology as well as the development of complimentary predictive models to help institutions determine expected target results based on institutional and student population characteristics.
Fall 2007 Cohort Score Distribution and Benchmarks (NCR 2013)
Fall 2008 Score Distribution and Benchmarks (NCR 2014)
Fall 2009 Score Distribution and Benchmarks (NCR 2015)
For more information please contact Linda Petersen, lpetersen [at]