• WSCUC Bookshelf

    July 26, 2018 - WSCUC

Why and Ancient Debate Still Matters
Check out “Healing the Rift: Dividing the disciplines does nothing to advance knowledge,” by one of our new Commissioners, Provost Jennifer Summit (SFSU), and Blakey Vermeule in The Chronicle Review (July 6, 2018, B9), from their book Action Versus Contemplation: Why an Ancient Debate Still Matters (University of Chicago Press 2018), where they go on to tackle the false dichotomy between preparation for life and career.




Accreditation at the Edge: Challenging Quality Assurance in Higher Education
Accreditation at the Edge: Challenging Quality Assurance in Higher Education (edited by Susan D. Phillips & Keith Kinser, Johns Hopkins University Press) addresses contemporary challenges and proposals in accreditation from many angles. President Studley contributed a chapter titled “Accreditors as Policy Leaders: Promoting Transparency, Judgment and Culture Change.”



Cultivating a Data Culture in Higher Education

WSCUC Vice President Lori Williams contributed a chapter to a new book, Cultivating a Data Culture in Higher Education (edited by WSCUC Research Fellow Kristina Powers and Angela E. Henderson, Routledge Press 2018). The book explores how institutions can leverage data to enhance accountability and student outcomes.