• WSCUC Proposed Standards Refinement

    December 10, 2024 - WSCUC

As WSCUC receives comments on proposed refinements to its Standards to focus on action and results, the Commission reaffirms WSCUC’s historic, powerful, and enduring focus on fundamental principles of equitable success for all students. WSCUC’s principles of inclusive excellence and student success are embodied in its long-standing published mission:

WSCUC strives to advance quality and equitable student success across a range of higher education institutions and missions to foster inquiry, innovation, excellence, and sustainability through its dual responsibilities as an accreditor for accountability and continuous improvement.

WSCUC will continue to expect institutions to address student success through consistent, rigorous planning and analysis of disaggregated outcomes, careful attention to practices and policies that promote or inhibit student opportunity and success, and allocation of institutional effort, leadership attention, and resources to achieve equitable success for students of every economic situation, race, ethnicity, gender identity, age, and learning and physical ability, as well as students who are veterans, parents, athletes, working, or incoming transfers, among other populations.

Comments on the proposed refinements to the Standards will be received through Wednesday, December 11. WSCUC appreciates the range of thoughtful comments received so far, including the respect for WSCUC’s leadership in and commitment to inclusive excellence and focus on evidence and outcomes. The Commission will review all comments and decide how best to ensure that the Standards effectively address institutional accountability for advancing equitable student success. The Commission will also continue to provide resources and training to support institutions, peer reviewers, and the Commission in achieving these essential goals.

Related Post, Nov. 26, 2024: WSCUC 2023 Standards of Accreditation – Opportunity to Comment on Proposal