What - or Who - is an ALO?
The ALO – Accreditation Liaison Officer – serves, along with the CEO, as the institution’s primary point of contact. In general, the ALO helps ensure a strong relationship between the Commission and institution and supports the institution in its accreditation activities.
Appointment of the Accreditation Liaison Officer
The chief executive officer (CEO) of each institution selects an Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO) to work with the Commission and its staff on matters of accreditation. When possible, the ALO has accreditation experience. The ALO has the appropriate skills, status, visibility, authority, and access to data as well as adequate workload capacity, support and resources to carry out the duties of the role. Meeting these expectations is enhanced when the ALO reports directly to the CEO or chief academic officer (CAO).
Communication with WSCUC
The CEO is the official representative of the institution. The CEO and the ALO are the primary points of contact; the ALO’s role in fostering communication within the institution and with WSCUC is critical. The ALO is copied on all WSCUC correspondence with the CEO and is in regular communication with the WSCUC staff, including the staff liaison who provides guidance and support with accreditation.
ALO Policy