Assessment 201: Advanced Topics in Assessment


Friday, February 2, 2018 
8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Pitzer College, Claremont, CA


Click here for a draft of the program schedule.

Assessment 201: Advanced Topics in Assessment is the ideal follow-up to Assessment 101. Learn about best practices, strategies, and approaches to problem-solving that can take your assessment program to the next level. If your efforts got off to a good start but now seem stuck, if you need to close the loop, or if you’re wondering how to get broader engagement, Assessment 201 could be just the ticket.

Assessment 201 focuses on topics such as the following:

  • Calibrating reviewers
  • Designing assessment approaches that align with outcomes
  • Using direct and indirect evidence
  • Closing the loop to improve student achievement and success
  • Engaging faculty in assessment
  • Using data: collecting, aggregating, analyzing, and reporting
  • Making evidence of student learning visible to multiple audiences

Assessment 201 is suitable for individuals who have already attended Assessment 101, or who have basic knowledge of assessment as well as some experience, and are ready to learn more. The workshop will blend brief presentations with interactive exercises so you can practice applying what you’re learning and share experiences with other workshop participants. Before registering, consider which assessment workshop will best meet your needs.

Workshop Facilitators

Amy Driscoll

Dr. Amy Driscoll retired as Director of Teaching, Learning, and Assessment at California State University, Monterey Bay, and is currently an Associate Senior scholar with the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Previously, Amy was the Director of Community/University Partnerships at Portland State University, where she initiated the community-based learning and capstone aspects of the university’s innovative curriculum. Dr. Driscoll has presented at AAHE, AAC&U, WSCUC, and National Assessment Institute conferences. She has also mentored more than 40 institutions in their development and implementation of institutional assessment and/or community engagement. Her most recent book is Developing Outcomes-based Assessment for Learner-centered Education, A Faculty Introduction, co-authored with chemistry professor Swarup Wood, and published by Stylus (2007).

June Madsen Clausen

Dr. June Madsen Clausen is Professor of Psychology and former Associate Dean for Academic Effectiveness in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of San Francisco, in which she oversaw academic program review and program assessment for 50+ departments and programs, as well as assessment of the university core curriculum. She is former Chair of the Department of Psychology, Consultant and past Director of the Foster Care Research Group at USF, and is a licensed psychologist with a clinical practice focused on trauma. Her published work focuses on the mental health of children in foster care and evaluations of interventions designed to support them. More recently, she has presented her work on faculty engagement at WSCUC’s annual Academic Resource Conferences.

Hotel Reservations: We encourage participants to make their hotel reservations as soon as possible. Given the Assessment 201 workshop is being held on a campus, WSCUC has not contracted nor secured a group rate with any particular hotel. There are many websites online that help with finding reasonably priced hotels.

Registration: Registration fee includes lunch. Beverages and snacks will be available during breaks. Attendees will be on their own for all other meals.

Registration fees:  $300/per team member.  After the registration deadline, if space is available, the late registration fee will be $360/per team member.

Discount for Combined Registration: The Diverse Campus workshop will be offered on February 1, 2018 at Pitzer. The special rate for a combined registration for The Diverse Campus and Assessment 201 workshops is $525 until 1/18/2018. After the registration deadline, if space is available, the late registration fee will be $645 /per team member.


This educational program has been developed by national and regional experts and is offered as a service to WSCUC member institutions and others who wish to learn about good practices applicable to all institutions. It is entirely optional, and our hope is that member institutions will find it helpful. WSCUC staff will be present to answer questions related specifically to accreditation expectations.

Event Details

Date: February 2, 2018 - 8:30am - 4:30pm

Fee: Free