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The University of the South Pacific

Laucala Campus, Private Mail Bag

Suva, 000000


Telephone: 679-323-2227


Staff Liaison:Each institution is assigned a staff liaison who is their primary point of contact for accreditation activities. Linda Petersen

Student Achievement URL:WSCUC Standards require that institutions regularly generate, evaluate, and make public data about student achievement, including measures of retention, and graduation, and evidence of student learning.

Current Accreditation Status:Accredited - Reflects the Commission's finding that the institution is in compliance with the Standards. Accredited

Most Recent Commission Action: February 25, 2021

First Accredited:Date the institution was first accredited by WSCUC. 2018

Undergraduate FTE: 9,147

Graduate FTE: 517

Financial Structure Type:Institutions within the WSCUC region are classified as Non-profit, For-profit or State-supported. Public

Sponsorship:Choices include: No related entity, Proprietary with Parent Board, Religious Control, Multi-institutional system, Other. For more information please see the Related Entities Policy. No Related Entity

Academic Calendar:The period of time generally extending from September to June; usually equated to 2 semesters or trimesters, 3 quarters, or the period covered by a 4-1-4 calendar system. Semester

Distributes Federal Financial Aid: No

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Accreditation Liaison OfficerJito VanualailaiDeputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President
Board of Directors ChairPat WalshActing Pro-Chancellor and Chair of
Chief Academic OfficerJito VanualailaiDeputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President
Chief Executive OfficerPal AhluwaliaVice-Chancellor and
Chief Financial OfficerKolinio BoilaExecutive Director of
Director Institutional ResearchMarica TabualevuInterim Director Strategic Planning and
OPEIDNameCityLocation TypeStatus
Alafua CampusApiaBranch CampusActive
Emalus CampusPort VilaBranch CampusActive
Laucala CampusSuvaMain CampusActive
DegreeDegree LevelYear ImplementedModality
Bachelor of Agriculture (BAgr)Bachelors1970On-Site
Bachelor of Arts (BA)Bachelors1970On-Site
Bachelor of Arts (Environmental Management)Bachelors2014On-Site
Bachelor of Arts (Marine Management)Bachelors2014On-Site
Bachelor of Arts (Social Work)BachelorsOn-Site
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of LawsBachelors2000On-Site
Bachelor of Arts and Graduate Certificate in EducationBachelors2000On-Site
Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)Bachelors2000On-Site
Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) AccountingBachelors2000On-Site
Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) in Hotel ManagementBachelors2000On-Site
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of LawsBachelors2000On-Site
Bachelor of Commerce and Graduate Certificate in EducationBachelors2000On-Site
Bachelor of Commerce in Hotel ManagementBachelors2010On-Site
Bachelor of Commerce in Professional AccountingBachelors2000On-Site
Bachelor of Commerce in Tourism ManagementBachelors2000On-Site
Bachelor of Commerce in Tourism and Hospitality ManagementBachelors2000On-Site
Bachelor of Education (BEd) In-ServiceBachelors1984On-Site
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education and Care)Bachelors1984On-Site
Bachelor of Engineering (Civil)Bachelors2019On-Site
Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Electronics)Bachelors2012On-Site
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical)Bachelors2012On-Site
Bachelor of Geospatial ScienceBachelors2015On-Site
Bachelor of LawsBachelors1993Distance Education
Bachelor of LawsBachelors1993On-Site
Bachelor of Networks and SecurityBachelors2018On-Site
Bachelor of Science (BSc)Bachelors1970On-Site
Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science)Bachelors2014On-Site
Bachelor of Science (Marine Science)Bachelors2014On-Site
Bachelor of Science and Graduate Certificate in EducationBachelors2000On-Site
Bachelor of Software EngineeringBachelors2011On-Site
Certificate In Cook Islands MaoriNon-degree2020On-Site
Certificate in ComputingNon-degree2000On-Site
Certificate in Educational AssessmentNon-degree2019On-Site
Certificate in Geospatial ScienceNon-degree2000On-Site
Certificate in Hotel ManagementNon-degree2011On-Site
Certificate in Information SystemsNon-degree2000On-Site
Certificate in Land ManagementNon-degree2000On-Site
Certificate in Law (Vocational Certificate Programme)Non-degree1990On-Site
Certificate in Management StudiesNon-degree1988On-Site
Certificate in MathematicsNon-degree2000On-Site
Certificate in Non-Formal EducationNon-degree1988On-Site
Certificate in Ocean Resource ManagementNon-degree1993On-Site
Certificate in Official StatisticsNon-degree2005On-Site
Certificate in PolicingNon-degree2005On-Site
Certificate in Population Studies and DemographyNon-degree2000On-Site
Certificate in Social and Community WorkNon-degree2000On-Site
Certificate in Sustainable FisheriesNon-degree2008On-Site
Certificate in Teaching (Primary)Non-degree2000On-Site
Certificate in Teaching (Secondary)Non-degree2000On-Site
Certificate in Tourism and Hospitality ManagementNon-degree1992On-Site
Certificate of JusticeNon-degree2019On-Site
Diploma in Accounting StudiesNon-degree2000On-Site
Diploma in AgricultureNon-degree2000On-Site
Diploma in ComputingNon-degree2000On-Site
Diploma in Early Childhood Education and CareNon-degree1991On-Site
Diploma in EconomicsNon-degree1990On-Site
Diploma in Educational Evaluation and AssessmentNon-degree1987On-Site
Diploma in Educational Leadership and ChangeNon-degree2000On-Site
Diploma in Geospatial ScienceNon-degree2000On-Site
Diploma in Hotel ManagementNon-degree2011On-Site
Diploma in Information SystemsNon-degree2000On-Site
Diploma in Land ManagementNon-degree2000On-Site
Diploma in Leadership, Governance and Human RightsNon-degree2000On-Site
Diploma in Library/Information StudiesNon-degree1990On-Site
Diploma in Management StudiesNon-degree1988On-Site
Diploma in MathematicsNon-degree2000On-Site
Diploma in Multilingual StudiesNon-degree2011On-Site
Diploma in Ocean Resources Management and PolicyNon-degree1993On-Site
Diploma in Official StatisticsNon-degree2005On-Site
Diploma in Pacific JournalismNon-degree1998On-Site
Diploma in Police ManagementNon-degree2005On-Site
Diploma in Population Studies and DemographyNon-degree1988On-Site
Diploma in ProsecutionsNon-degree2007On-Site
Diploma in Social and Community WorkNon-degree2007On-Site
Diploma in Special and Inclusive EducationNon-degree1997On-Site
Diploma in Teaching (Secondary)Non-degree2000On-Site
Diploma in Vernacular Language (Cook Islands Maori)Non-degree2017On-Site
Diploma in Vernacular Language (Fijian)Non-degree1999On-Site
Diploma in Vernacular Language (Hindi)Non-degree1999On-Site
Doctor of PhilosophyResearch Doctorate1970On-Site
Doctor of Philosophy (Tourism and Hospitality Management)Research Doctorate2000On-Site
Graduate Certificate in Education (GCEd) – in EnglishNon-degree2000On-Site
Graduate Certificate in Education (GCEd) – in FrenchNon-degree2000On-Site
Graduate Certificate in EntreprenuershipNon-degree2016On-Site
Graduate Certificate in Public AdministrationNon-degree2000On-Site
Graduate Certificate in School LeadershipNon-degree2016On-Site
Master of AgricultureMasters1970On-Site
Master of ArtsMasters1970On-Site
Master of Arts (Applied Linguistics)Masters2017On-Site
Master of Business AdministrationMasters1995On-Site
Master of CommerceMasters2000On-Site
Master of Commerce (Tourism and Hospitality Management)Masters2000On-Site
Master of Computing and Information SystemsMasters2007On-Site
Master of EducationMasters2001On-Site
Master of Environmental LawMasters2008On-Site
Master of Information SystemsMasters2007On-Site
Master of LawsMasters2000On-Site
Master of ScienceMasters1970On-Site
Master of Science in Geospatial ScienceMasters2019On-Site
Post Graduate Certificate in Tertiary TeachingNon-degreeDistance Education
Post Graduate Diploma in Tertiary TeachingNon-degreeDistance Education
Postgraduate Certificate in Diplomacy and International AffairsNon-degree2011On-Site
Postgraduate Certificate in Financial AdministrationNon-degree1997On-Site
Postgraduate Certificate in Gender StudiesNon-degree2013On-Site
Postgraduate Certificate in Human Resource ManagementNon-degree1997On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma for General ManagersNon-degree1997On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Analytical SkillsNon-degree1997On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in AgricultureNon-degree2000On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching)Non-degree2017On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Environmental Management)Non-degree2000On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Geography)Non-degree2000On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (History)Non-degree2000On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Linguistics)Non-degree2000On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Literature)Non-degree2000On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Marine Management)Non-degree2000On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Pacific Studies)Non-degree2006On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Psychology)Non-degree2000On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Social Policy and Administration)Non-degree1997On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Sociology)Non-degree2000On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts majoring in Gender StudiesNon-degree2021On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Climate ChangeNon-degree2000On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Commerce (Accounting)Non-degree1985On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Commerce (Banking and Finance)Non-degree1995On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Commerce (Economics)Non-degree2000On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Commerce (Land Management)Non-degree2000On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Commerce (Management and Public Administration)Non-degree2000On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Commerce (Population Studies and Demography)Non-degree2000On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Commerce (Professional Accounting)Non-degree2000On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Commerce (Tourism and Hospitality Management)Non-degree2002On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in CybersecurityNon-degree2017On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Development StudiesNon-degree2000On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Diplomacy and International AffairsNon-degree2011On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in EducationNon-degree2000On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Forensic Accounting and Fraud InvestigationNon-degree2017On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in GovernanceNon-degree2001On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology (Computing)Non-degree2000On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology (Information Systems)Non-degree2000On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in LawNon-degree2000On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Biology)Non-degree2000On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Chemistry)Non-degree2000On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Environmental Geoscience)Non-degree2000On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Marine Science)Non-degree2000On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Mathematics)Non-degree2000On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Physics)Non-degree2000On-Site
Postgraduate Diploma in Tertiary TeachingNon-degree2006On-Site
Professional Certificate in Education Policy and PlanningNon-degree2014On-Site
Professional Certificate in Heritage ManagementNon-degree2019Distance Education
Professional Diploma in Legal PracticeNon-degree1997On-Site
Professional Diploma in Legislative DraftingNon-degree1998Distance Education
SeasonYearReview Type
Fall2024Offsite Review
Spring2025Accreditation Visit